Exploring China: 40+ Pictures That Prove It’s a Must-See Destination

By Ishita P

Made in China—these three words are famous all around regardless of which part of the world it is. It is aptly so because no one does it like China. The country seems to house the best brains of creativity and innovation in every field. From architecture and technology to culture and cuisine, every possession of theirs is a matter of marvel.

Sure, we’ve all heard about the amazing innovations coming out of China, but now let’s take a peek at a treasure trove of pictures that will truly tickle your curiosity and show you just how stunning, diverse, and wonderfully one-of-a-kind this nation truly is. No need for a long preamble, let’s jump right in and explore the top 50 images that celebrate the rich tapestry of the Chinese landscape.

A Paradise for Bookworms

Almost all book lovers will agree on one thing—books transport you to a different dimension. Just as readers enter a new realm when they open a book, this surreal and magnificent bookstore in Chengdu leads you to a different world filled with books in every corner!

Image by xlivingart on Instagram

Even though this mind-blowing bookstore is only two stories tall, the place feels like it’s got the sprawling grandeur of an enchanted castle thanks to those clever mirrored ceilings. Hats off to the architects for turning this bookstore into something straight out of a magical tale.

The 88-metre Goddess of Beauty

When celebrating culture and tourism, China knows how to make a splash! Case in point: the Yang Asha statue, lovingly dubbed the ‘Goddess of Beauty’ by the Miao ethnic group. This statue towers over the rest, standing proud at a staggering 88 meters in height—the tallest of its kind in the whole country!”

Image by w.n__t on Instagram

According to the Jianhe County legend, Yang Asha was not only beautiful but also brave to fight for her love. Her story symbolizes the struggle among the Chinese classes. Thus, to honor her story and the local heritage, the statue is marked with a tranquil facial expression, a horned silver headdress, and traditional Miao apparel.

A Vending Machine, But Ssssh It’s a Secret Entrance

Did you ever desire to have your own Narnia dream become a reality? Well, how often does it happen that we open a door and suddenly realize it’s a portal to another world? In China, this is more likely than you think, all thanks to the stylish and secret speakeasy—The Flask.

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As you step into this whimsical world of drinks, you might first mistake it for an ordinary sandwich shop called The Press. But look around, and you’ll spy a vintage Coca-Cola vending machine tucked in the corner. Pop it open, and presto! Instead of Coke bottles, you’ll discover The Flask.

World’s Tallest Outdoor Elevator

It’s time to leverage your life’s journey as the Bailong Elevator, located in the Hunan Province of China, is ready to serve you with the experience of a lifetime. The impressive 1070-foot tall glass lift present on a huge cliff offers magical views of the Wuling Mountain range.

Image by nk7 on Instagram

Those who have been there and used this elevator often share their experience as one that reminds them of the floating Hallelujah Mountains from the movie Avatar. This is because when the lift goes up, you get the illusion of the lofty sandstone pillar structures rising from the forest floor.

Catch Me If You Can

Established in 1384, the ancient and well-preserved Bell Tower of Xi’an is a famous attraction among locals and tourists. During its time, the tower’s primary role was to serve the function of reporting and publishing news. Thus, every tiny bit of this creation was designed with utmost intricacy, from its door to its windows.

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However, the one thing that calls for our attention the most is the tiny CCTV camera, which seems to fit into the design of this building in the most subtle manner possible. It’s blended in so seamlessly and thoughtfully that visitors would never be aware they’re under CCTV surveillance here.

A Card to Find Your Way Back

From the Great Wall of China to the nightlife of Shanghai, there are plenty of places to explore in this country, but losing the way to your hotel isn’t fun. Luckily, this hotel knows how to care for its customers and offer them quality hospitality services with a card.

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Whether you’re lost admiring the tourist spots or simply strolling around the streets to locate your hotel, all you need to do is find a taxi driver and show this card to them. They’ll drive you to the hotel’s address, relieving you from the distress of getting lost in a foreign land.

Nothing Much To See Here, Just a Cyberpunk Dog!

We always hear about how the future will be highly dominated by artificial intelligence and, most importantly, ROBOTS! Perhaps it’s time to believe that this often talked about future is here, at the present, as evident from this cyberpunk picture.

Image by nonemaw on Reddit

Taking your dog for a stroll is one thing, but walking a dog that seems to have come straight out of a sci-fi movie is a surprising yet surreal story. Although we’re left wondering why a leash is necessary for this technology-born robodog, the future is certainly NOW!

McDonald’s Knows How to Upcycle

Close your eyes and reflect upon the image of a food outlet of McDonald’s. You’d probably imagine a colorful and spacious restaurant with vibrant music playing in the background and people hungrily biting into huge burgers. Now, open your eyes and look at this image.

Image by mackie1402 on Reddit

This cute shop where McDonald’s currently runs used to be a newspaper stand. But now, it has s become a place where people collect delicious fast food and ice creams instead of newspapers. It’s impressive how they’ve utilized a small space efficiently, given the diverse menu of the franchise. We’re lovin’ it!

Spot the Difference!

If you think finding your way out of a maze is difficult, you must think again because this picture of a row of identical houses in China tells us otherwise. From the architecture to the roof colors, these houses do not have a tiny difference between them.

Image by kacperkowalski_photography on Instagram

People say identical twins also have a feature that separates them from who is who, but it can’t be true regarding these houses. Imagine the hassle a courier delivery guy will face while finding the right home in this neighborhood.

A Blend of Tradition and Functionality

Nestled within the bustling cityscape, this bus stop in Suzhou emerges like a hidden gem, embodying traditional Chinese architecture. Crafted from dark, rich wood, it exudes timeless elegance and cultural reverence. The intricate details of ornate carvings and sloping, tiled roofs further portray the classic beauty of Chinese heritage.

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Travelers take cover beneath its welcoming embrace, marveling at the harmonious blend of age-old charm and modern-day ease. This splendid bus stop transforms from a mere transit point into an actual work of art, a testament to the skillful hands of Chinese artisans.

Bonding Better With Your Neighbors

If you feel skating at your neighbor’s house is fantastic, think again after looking at this picture. A pretty housing complex in China has a shared pool, and we love how people lounge in large tubes and cold blue water, perhaps sharing homemade drinks.

Image by Alex on YouTube

This picture shows that even though the Chinese made significant advancements, they still remembered to retain their human values. They created a pool that helps neighbors connect and share a great bond. It’s often said that you should love thy neighbor, and this pool in China established the same with an added twist.

The KFC Chinese Lazy Cup

This picture of 2-in-1 fried chicken and coke from KFC in China is a dream come true for all foodies who eagerly rush to get a mouthful of these delicious snacks. They are as innovative as they look, allowing you to grab crispy chicken and sip on coke on the go.

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Today’s generation is always in a hurry, whether to get to work or return home from the office. Hence, if you have to manage all these tasks simultaneously, along with satisfying your hunger and pampering your taste buds, this is the perfect snack.

Frozen Dreams Turn Into a Reality

When the Disney film Frozen hit the theaters, all viewers were captivated by the ice-cold world created by Elsa more than the movie’s storyline. It looked so fascinating! But now, China has succeeded in turning this fantasy into a reality.

Image by nk7 on Instagram

This picture was taken at the Harbin Ice Festival in China, which celebrates an exhibition of snow sculptures with magnificent frozen places, castles, and towers that look like they were created through Elsa’s magical power. The festival also hosts various ice sports, adding to the fun.

A Hotel Featuring Incredible Jade Carving

Almost everyone would agree that if there’s one thing that adds more depth and beauty to this world, it is art. This picture featuring a lovely Jade carving from a hotel in China is a pleasure to watch, and the intricate details of the piece add more charm to its delightful sight.

Image by Amateurlapse on Reddit

It’s certain that anyone who passes by this carving stops and stares at it for a while. They not only admire its appearance but also appreciate the amount of attention to detail and mastery that went into handcrafting and perfecting this carving.

Trees or Buildings? Make a Guess!

There’s one game that people of all ages love playing—Lego. The game inspires one to bring their creativity and innovation forward, enabling them to develop personal architectural designs. However, this hotel in China has taken Legoland to a different level!

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These buildings resembling trees cannot go unnoticed and unliked because they scream perfection. To make the design look more realistic, the architect minutely created structures corresponding to different parts of a tree, such as stems, branches, and leaves, all of which alter their color to imitate the changing seasons.

You’ll Never Eat Alone in Shanghai

Loneliness often consumes humans in unexpected ways and situations, but you can be assured that restaurants in Shanghai aren’t the places for your solitary dining plan. The restaurants in this city place this character across your seat to give you some company.

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It might strike as a surprise, but it’s pretty standard in Shanghai because everyone deserves to have some social life and companionship for dinner, even if it’s a non-living and non-breathing plush toy. We hope he is good with conversations!

Signing Documents in China

When we talk about signing a document, we usually think about scribbling our name or initials on paper, but in China, things run differently. Instead of a scribble, people leave a fingerprint on the document. Although uncommon, it makes sense because signatures may change; fingerprints won’t.

Image by Perfect_Anna on Reddit

Fingerprints are more reliable than scribbled signatures, which can be subject to imitation. So, if you’re planning to move to the country, this different way of leaving a signature is a handy tip you might want to remember because when in China, you must do like the Chinese.

The Pentagonal Mart in China

Shanghai is a city full of surprises; this time, it’s no different, as evident in the picture. The city is home to this sprawling pentagon-shaped shopping center, built in 2009. But the surprising element here isn’t its shape or size but the fact that it was discarded soon after.

Image by w.n__t on Instagram

Due to its abandonment, the mart has now been referred to as the largest empty building in Shanghai. Although most of the establishment was previously filled with shops, only a few shoppers visited it before closing down. As for what the future holds for this lonely Pentagonal Mart, only time can tell!

Your Balcony Describes Your Personality

Do you know what makes us human? Well, it’s our different personalities. The tiny differences in our preferences and choices make every one of us unique from others, adding more humanness. Considering that perspective, these balconies have a philosophical touch.

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At first glance, they look like just another balcony of a house, but upon a closer and deeper look, you’ll realize that they can reflect the owner’s personality. Just as humans have different traits, these balconies are decorated with varying features and elements that make them exclusive.

Statue of Guan Yu — The Warrior God

China is home to massive sculptures and enormous figurines, with the Guan Yu statue being one of them. Designed by Han Meilin, the statuette located in Jingzhou honors Guan Yu, the defied military general. Owing to his gallantry, he is also worshiped as a guardian deity in China.

Image by sleepingpanda on Shutterstock

Clad in traditional cloak and robes made of 4,000 bronze strips, the weapon held by the statue is referred to as the Green Dragon Crescent Blade. However, what startles us is how the carving of this historical character looks so cool with that giant beard and the ears of an elf.

Foshan’s Lush Vertical Forest

Whether on Instagram or TV news channels, many talks about climate change and the well-being of the environment go on in the modern generation. However, this lushly vegetated building in Foshan, covered with greenery, has taken the nature-positivity movement to another level.

Image by 5.12 on Instagram

Right from the balconies to the exterior walls, it’s a world of plants. While it seems impressive, we’re more concerned about how the residents of the building live because as much as the plants are suitable for purifying the air, they also make a cozy home for all sorts of bugs, insects, and animals.

Panda Shaped Solar Farm

You’ve probably heard about polar bears, but now it’s time to be introduced to the solar bear! Yes, it’s not a drill. If it’s hard to believe, look at this picture. It’s not a creation of Photoshop but a product of reality existing in China.

Image by Chris_Isur_Dude on Reddit

This giant solar farm imitating a panda consists of flimsy, thin cells and dark monocrystalline silicon to give the solar panel a light and dark visual effect. It renders the farm the shape and color of a panda that, in all honesty, looks life-like.

Blessings from Buddha Perfected to Art

When you ponder about art, you think of being in a state of bliss and tranquility. But if there’s one name that defines these two states simultaneously, it’s Lord Buddha. He is the epitome of calmness. However, his preachings of peace have now been transformed into a piece of earth art.

Image by Unknown User on Google Maps

This aerial view of the enormous earth art of Lord Buddha’s palm is located in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, North China, where this massive masterpiece sits on the lap of a grassland close to Erenhot city. Covering an area of 40,000 square meters, the palm is as large as six soccer fields combined.

A Glimpse Into Ancient Times

China never ceases to amaze with its wonders, and this image reaffirms that. It’s the renowned Fenghuang Ancient Town, also known as Phoenix Ancient Town, derived from the legend of two mythical phoenixes captivated by its beauty. They lingered, enchanted by this extraordinary place, leaving a legacy of awe-inspiring allure.

Image by nardus_smith on Instagram

Apart from its rich history and a certain air of mystery, what captivates us is how this place gives us a glimpse into what towns looked like before modernization took over. The traditional houses constructed beside the river with stilt supports look beautiful and give rustic vibes.

Living Amidst Luxury in the Deep

Underground hotels don’t seem very absurd, but you will be surprised to learn that Shanghai houses a luxury resort with 16 floors underground. And the best part about it is that the bottom two levels of the hotel are entirely UNDERWATER!

Image by modengshanghai and hitominnn_8 on Instagram

If you’re already impressed, hold your breath because there’s more to this enchanted land or the sea of luxury. The resort offers underwater suites immersed in the 33-foot-deep aquarium, allowing guests to enjoy views of a diverse range of fish swimming by.

Post Chew Wraps

When you think China couldn’t be more innovative, they turn the simplest things into a wonder. The country even packs chewing gums differently. Look at this gum container; it seems like any other, but the paper accompanying it steals the spotlight!

Image by nt261999 on Reddit

When you buy chewing gum anywhere else, all you get is a packet full of them, but in Hong Kong, the gums come with paper so that you can wrap them once you’re done chewing. That’s undoubtedly a smart way to throw off the sticky thing without making a mess!

Creative Cans of Coke

Coca-Cola China embraced Chinese creativity by featuring 23 cities on its cans. In this collection of the top five, the first can beautifully depict Gulangyu Island (Piano Island) in Xiamen, showcasing a piano motif on the girl’s collar. It’s a fusion of art and local identity, celebrating China’s rich cultural diversity.

Image by ChrisK1 on Reddit

On the contrary, the second can highlight Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Tower, with the girl’s hair tied in the architecture’s shape. Likewise, the third can pay homage to the Great Wall of China near Beijing, while the fourth displays Xi’an’s traditional buildings. Finally, the rightmost can capture the Three Stone Pagodas of Hangzhou, with the girl’s hair shaped like one Pagoda.

When in China, Eat Like the Chinese

Food has our universal love. It is something every human loves, and when we talk about continental cuisines, Chinese food is renowned all around the globe. But it should be stated that no one does Chinese dishes better than they do.

Image by majinz on Reddit

Even though many restaurants worldwide have Chinese hot pot on their menu, it’s never the same as in China. The flavor, warmth, and, most importantly, the food’s spiciness are unmatched elsewhere; we’re already drooling just by looking at this picture.

The Coolest Futuristic Library

With a majestic number of 1.2 million books, China probably takes pride in being home to the futuristic Tianjin Binhai Library. Designed by MVRDV, a Dutch architectural firm, the library stands five stories tall with a spherical auditorium. Since the library resembles a giant eye, it has been given the alternate name of “The Eye of Binhai.”

Image by ossipvanduivenbode on Instagram

Books envelop you within these walls regardless of the direction you wander in. Recognizing the challenges of capturing the attention of today’s generation, this architectural marvel beckons not only book enthusiasts but also entices non-readers to explore the library, if only for a picturesque addition to their Instagram.

McDonald’s Conveyor Belt

Oxford Dictionary should consider making China a synonym for creativity by now, given how highly creative even the food franchises of the country are. To foreign eyes, the following picture may seem new, but in China, it turns out that this practice is quite common.

Image by jacob3ch on Reddit

The explanation behind this practice is that the food counter and the kitchen of a McDonald’s outlet are on different floors, and this conveyor belt acts as the medium of communication between them. While it seems fun, we hope the packet doesn’t fall on someone’s head during shipping.

Where the Great Wall of China Meets the End

The Great Wall of China needs no introduction! However, one thing to wonder about this famous tourist spot is its ending. From helicopter shots to long trails, we’ve heard a lot about it, but we seldom come across its end, and this picture has finally given us a glimpse of it.

Image by Igor Grochev on Shutterstock

We can’t stop admiring the tranquility and serenity this place projects. Even without physical presence, we can already feel that being at this spot would easily make us forget all our worries and encourage us to appreciate the beauty the atmosphere has to offer.

UV Handrail Sterilizer

When it comes to maintaining good hygiene, you’ve got to hand it to the Chinese. But then again, it’s China; they add creativity to anything and everything. So, when we see pictures like these where there’s a handrail sterilizer on an elevator, it’s no more uncanny!

Image by ceowin on Reddit

However, what’s absurd is that it’s not just a sterilizer but a UV handrail sterilizer. If you’re wondering how it works, let us tell you that the device emits UV rays onto the handrail so that the germs on its surface are wiped out before a person touches it.

Kindly Scan the QR Code

The advent of QR codes has made life more convenient. From making quick payments to linking devices, they can be found on almost any device. But in China, the existence of QR codes isn’t limited to the visual realm; it also extends to the real world.

Image by China Xinhua News on Facebook

An astonishing environmental creation exists in Xinhua, China—a massive QR code crafted from 130,000 trees. Unlike its digital counterpart, this organic code can be visually scanned by passengers on airplanes passing overhead, showcasing an incredible blend of technology and nature for all to admire.

Movie with a Free Massage

What’s better than enjoying an entertaining movie in a theater? It’s a cozy chair that offers a free massage and tags along a USB port to have all the luxury and leisurely fun inside a movie hall as you relax and munch your snacks.

Image by Sumtinkwrung on Reddit

This type of experience is rare in other parts of the world, but in China, these chairs are standard in movie theaters. So, now that you’re aware, don’t be surprised when the seat randomly starts massaging you while watching a movie at a hall in China!

A Kids-Sized Happy Meal

We all have come across kids who like to order a lot of items on the menu just for fun, even when they know that they will not be able to finish all the food. Well, thankfully, this trick of theirs doesn’t work at this McDonald’s outlet in China.

Image by Shanamat on Reddit

They have a clever item on their menu—kid-sized French fries that come in a tiny, cute box with a regular-sized juice, curated to fit their small appetite. So now, kids can order a complete French Fries mini combo and finish it without wasting food.

A Pedestrian Overpass That Just Can’t Be Ignored!

They say that the camera cannot capture what the human eye does, but the statement is up for debate when we look at this picture. Kudos to the photographer for capturing the architecture of this pedestrian overpass constructed with utmost detail and precision!

Image by msarli on Reddit

While it is true that the beauty of sunset, moonlight, and starlit sky can be witnessed only by human eyes, we cannot dismiss how sometimes it just takes one camera to produce a high-quality picture like this one. It embraces the actual beauty of the creation and enhances it.

Noodle-Making Robot Chef

People have raved about the famous seasoning technique of the Turkish Butcher Salt Bae and turned it into an internet meme. The world has also entered Hell’s Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay. But now, it’s time to divert our attention to this unique and innovative chef in town—Robo Chef.

Image by trueyahoo on Reddit

This robotic chef works at a renowned Chinese restaurant. And ever since its arrival, this highly talked about chef has been making waves in the eatery, serving delicious noodles to the guests while adding more admirers to its fan base.

A Free Cell Phone at Your Service

When traveling to a new country, be it for leisure or business purposes, the one thing that looms around one’s mind is how to establish contact with others. Buying the country’s SIM card seems almost necessary nowadays, but a hotel in Hong Kong cuts out this trouble.

Image by FightOnForUsc on Reddit

It gives this local cell phone to the boarders for free so they can stay connected to their beloved in their home country and navigate the foreign city without getting lost or facing any hassles. Thus, it displays the hotel’s kindness and thoughtful hospitality service.

The Holy Temple of KFC

Out of all the bizarre things you’ve witnessed exist in China until now, the strangest one has to be this—a temple accommodating a KFC restaurant. Having a KFC outlet at an amusement park, shopping mall, or even a deserted road is obvious, but this picture proves how unexpectedly things operate in China.

Image by GradDescentToHell on Reddit

Unlike its global counterparts, KFC in China leans heavily towards grilled rather than fried chicken. Moreover, Chinese KFCs feature an array of rice-based dishes. For food enthusiasts venturing to China, the KFC temple in Zhuhai is an essential stop, offering a unique twist on the beloved fast-food brand.

Find Your Space and Stick to It

Giving entrance exams can be a highly nerve-wracking experience. The thought of cracking it consumes you entirely. As a result, your nervous bladder may become highly active, mainly if you appear in China’s entrance tests for an art school like this one.

Image by art_relates on Instagram

While we’re stupified by this vast number of art enthusiasts residing in China, we’re equally surprised by how these candidates can remain so calm and composed in their artwork when people surround them in every direction. Had it been us, we’d probably be distracted by the cluttered environment, struggling hard to focus on our work.

Cuisine for the Adventurous Palate

Amidst the bustling streets of China, a peculiar food stall emerges, beckoning an adventurous palate. The vendor’s red-hued cart, adorned with silver trays, showcases an array of exotic insect delicacies. Each compartment is labeled with intriguing names, such as “Centipede,” “Bee Cocoon,” “Spider King,” “Longhorn,” “Water Beatle,” “Silkworm,” and more!

Image by Unknown User on travelling-leila.com

Curious pedestrians are lured in by the enticing aroma of these unconventional delicacies, transcending cultural divides for a bold culinary exploration. The adept vendor turns insects and animal parts into savory treats, defying expectations and providing a taste of the extraordinary. It’s a daring feast for some but utterly unsettling for the faint-hearted!

A Robotic Waiter

A cheerful automated robot rolls through the crowd, spreading joy and sweets. It presents small cups filled with colorful candies and treats to the guests. As people eagerly accept the snacks the robot serves, laughter and smiles erupt on the large screen attached to its metallic body.

Image by sealion7 on Reddit

But it displays a comically exaggerated crying expression, with oversized tears streaming down its digital face when someone turns down its offerings. Thus, this charming fusion of technology and humor reminds us that even in the world of automation, a touch of whimsy can turn ordinary moments into beautiful memories.

Delivery for a Good Cause

A cardboard package bearing a poignant image of a missing child on its exterior flap arrives at the doorstep. This ingenious initiative is championed by China’s largest e-commerce company, aiming to raise awareness about missing persons. They ingeniously repurpose their delivery boxes to showcase images and details of missing individuals, harmonizing commerce with compassion.

Image by chuanrrr on Reddit

With these boxes traveling far and wide, they serve as mobile billboards, reaching various households and communities. This initiative helps locate missing persons and showcases the company’s dedication to a noble cause. It’s a remarkable example of corporate responsibility and community support that businesses can proffer to make a positive impact beyond their primary operations.

Hotel of Divinity

This picture presents a view of the remarkable exterior of the Tianzi Hotel in China. The 10-story building features three legendary figures made with intricate detail and a sense of regal grandeur. These figurines are designed to mirror the appearance of three Chinese deities, Fu, Lu, and Shou, hailing from the Ming dynasty.

Image by snapshot___story on Instagram

The leftmost statue is of Shou, representing longevity. The central one is Fu, who is responsible for offering good fortune. Lastly, the rightmost visage is of Lu, embodying prosperity. These Chinese royal figures dominate the landscape, making the Tianzi Hotel an iconic masterpiece that blends architecture and mythology in a captivating and distinctive manner.

Unique Way of Watering Trees

In a tranquil garden of Mainland China, a solitary tree stands adorned with a unique and practical adornment. Its rugged and weathered bark cradles a series of tiny green pouches. These unassuming bags contain IV fluids to serve as a lifeline to the tree in the city’s arid climate.

Image by eatqqq on Reddit

They contain decent quantities of water combined with micronutrients like iron and manganese, symbolizing the community’s care and concern toward Mother Nature. In a subtle yet impactful gesture, they ensure the tree’s vitality while striking a harmonious balance between urban living and ecological stability.

Vending Machine that Sells Chicken Feet

If there’s one country where you can find all things bizarre, it would undoubtedly be China. Who would’ve thought that you’d come across a vending machine that sells chicken feet? But here we are! An airport in China is home to this machine, and to add even more to the surprise, some people crave it.

Image by NewbKidWasTaken on Reddit

The idea of coming off a flight and wanting to grab some chicken feet to satisfy our jet-lagged exhaustion and hunger sounds strange. But the truth is, those who’ve eaten it find it a great treat for their taste buds.

Mona Panda or Panda Lisa

Mona Lisa—the world-famous portrait by Leonardo Da Vinci, needs no introduction, but this picture indeed does. Over the years, we’ve seen different variants of edits done on Mona Lisa’s painting, with people trying to give her a cooler and edgier look, but this one takes the prize away.

Image by Breadfishian on Reddit

Just as we can’t get our eyes off the enchantment of Da Vinci’s painting, we can’t stop admiring this adorable panda that seems to be possessed by the spirit of Mona Lisa. What should it be named—Panda Lisa or Mona Panda? Well, that’s up for debate!

Real-Time Display to Help Bank Customers

A meticulously crafted signboard is installed in a Chinese bank to display crucial information about the volume of customers visiting the branch during its posted hours and working days. The signboard is prominent through its bold, clear Chinese letters inscribed in a striking red-and-white color scheme to draw customers’ quick attention.

Image by Mellonski on Reddit

The characters specify different hours and days of operation throughout the week, while the human motifs indicate the corresponding number of visitors. This signboard serves as a reliable reference for clients, helping them plan their visits accordingly to avoid long wait times and receive efficient banking services.

Wonders of Chinese Engineering

This bridge connecting China and Macau offers a captivating visual spectacle. When entering Macau, you’ll notice a switch to left-side driving in accordance with Macau’s traffic rules. Road markings and signs indicate this change. However, as you approach the border and transition into mainland China, a remarkable shift takes place.

Image by SnixPlaysAlot on Reddit

The road smoothly switches to the right-hand driving system, seamlessly guided by lane markings and clear traffic signs. Thus, it’s a testament to the efficiency of the border crossing, where vehicles seamlessly shift from left to right and vice versa, ensuring safe and orderly traffic flow between these two distinct regions.

Martial Artistry

At a village in Chengdu, an elderly tea shop owner, his face etched with the wisdom of years, gracefully fills jugs of tea for his customers. He adds a bit of theatrics and heroic stunts to his movements, making them a mesmerizing dance of fluidity and precision, a testament to a lifetime of dedication.

Image by nardus_smith on Instagram

With each graceful step and flowing motion, he embodies the essence of martial artistry. As he dips and sways, tea flows into the jugs in perfect synchrony with his movements. Hence, this picture is a captivating display of the fusion between skill mastery and the serenity of purposeful action.