Life In The Big Apple: Strange Things That Encapsulate Living In New York City

By Amy M March 14, 2024

This article was originally published on docjournals

New York City is home to the best broadway musicals, mouth-watering pizza, incredible skyscrapers, its iconic yellow cabs, and so many other incredible features. It’s no wonder many people dream of moving to or at least visiting the Big Apple.

Movies tend to romanticize living in this city, but what they don’t prepare you for is the strange things you’ll come across. Luckily, that’s where we come in! Once you’re there, get ready to see things like people wearing weird costumes and a stand offering free advice from a puppet!

The city that never sleeps can be a great place to live if you ignore the fact that tiny rat-infested apartments with bathrooms in the kitchen cost thousands of dollars a month. However, people still love NYC for many reasons, including, or in spite of, the following strange encounters.

Ballot Box Boy

Ballot Box Boy is doing the most to get everyone to vote, vote, vote. However, standing in the streets all day with a box on his head must be quite unpleasant. He probably can’t even see out of that thing with all of those letters in the way.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This guy was clearly dedicated to encouraging voters to exercise their rights. It would be nice to know that his efforts weren’t wasted. Although, it looks as if no one was paying any attention because so many out-of-the-ordinary things happen in this city on a daily basis.

Brave Souls

New York winters are far beyond pleasant. On average, temperatures can drop below 20F [-8 C]. Sadly, people who deliver packages are forced to struggle through these arctic conditions. You would think that the businesses they work for could afford to send them in cars, but no, they would rather have them catch pneumonia.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

These brave souls are faced with the challenge of riding their bikes through the icy streets. As you can see, they can barely move through that thick blanket of snow. These guys go the extra mile to get everyone their packages, so be sure to tip them well during the winter months.

Just Chilling

Say goodbye to the old ways of cruising around in a car or scooter. These cool dudes have discovered a new means of getting around the metropolis. All you need is a skateboard and lawn chair, and you’ll be sailing down the streets in no time!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

However, not everyone can be as fearless as these guys. Clearly, it’s their world, and we’re just living in it. It would be nice to be as carefree as them, though, especially the guy in the middle. He’s just chilling with a glass of vino in hand and a patch of grass underneath the chair.

Dandy Lion

There must be something in the water in this concrete jungle because we keep seeing strange costumes even though it’s not Halloween. Maybe this person is a performer in Times Square. That would make sense. However, there are individuals that would wear this casually.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

If their job is to take photos with tourists in Time Square, then they would earn a fortune, thanks to animal-loving kids who wouldn’t hesitate to pose with this elegant lion in a fancy suit. The only problem is this doesn’t look like Times Square, and there’s not a tourist in sight.

Historic Tiny Home

You’ve got to love these quirky and expensive apartments in the city. This one in the East Village is being rented out for a whopping 2,390 dollars a month. If you’re thinking of joining in on the tiny home, down-sizing trend, this place is perfect.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Here’s a fun fact: In the 1900s, many New York apartments had a bath and sink in the kitchen in order to meet the legislative’s sanitary requirements. Present-day residents would prefer a larger kitchen area, but at least with this, you can multitask by cooking while in the bath!

Snowy Creation

In “Anna’s” words from Frozen, “Do you want to build a snowman?” But not a regular boring snowman with a carrot for a nose. We are talking about a super hip one. This creation looks amazing with the sprayed-on accessories.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Let your creative genius loose this winter by getting out in the cold and building a snowman. The freezing months shouldn’t only be enjoyed indoors. Take your hot chocolate outside and have some fun by making your very own snowman and turning him into your favorite icon!

Spooky Season

Halloween is considered to be the best holiday because of the free candy, which dentists score big time with. The chance to be whoever you want to be with a costume is also one of the best parts. Year after year, people always come through with incredible outfits.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

It would be a crime if this person didn’t win the best costume at their Halloween party. Though we couldn’t figure out the inspiration, the ensemble is still incredible. On the flip side, this could’ve also caused many jump scares on the subway because it looks so realistic.

Date Night

It’s good to see that romance isn’t dead after all. Ladies, get yourself a man who puts in time and effort to keep the spark alive. This scenario will bring a smile to a hopeless romantic’s face. It’s not The Notebook, but it’s good enough.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

He may have had good intentions, but he didn’t realize that this wasn’t the best place to eat a meal. The fact that it’s completely isolated should be a warning sign, especially if it’s a first date. Also, everyone knows how polluted that water is. We just hope it doesn’t smell like rotten fish. Yuck!

Cool Doggles

This person is scootering around the city with their giant fur baby on their back. If you want to get around places with your dog without having to walk them, this backpack is just the thing you need. It’s great for road cruising with your pup.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Remember, safety comes first when traveling with your canine. The goggles, or doggles, not only look super fashionable, but they also help protect your pup’s eyes from the debris and sun. The only thing that’s missing for the outfit to be complete is a swanky helmet.

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