Life In The Big Apple: 40+ Strange Things That Encapsulate Living In New York City

By Amy M February 29, 2024

This article was originally published on docjournals

New York City is home to the best broadway musicals, mouth-watering pizza, incredible skyscrapers, its iconic yellow cabs, and so many other incredible features. It’s no wonder many people dream of moving to or at least visiting the Big Apple.

Movies tend to romanticize living in this city, but what they don’t prepare you for is the strange things you’ll come across. Luckily, that’s where we come in! Once you’re there, get ready to see things like people wearing weird costumes and a stand offering free advice from a puppet!

The city that never sleeps can be a great place to live if you ignore the fact that tiny rat-infested apartments with bathrooms in the kitchen cost thousands of dollars a month. However, people still love NYC for many reasons, including, or in spite of, the following strange encounters.

Ask a Puppet

Need some advice? Go give this puppet a visit. Who knows, maybe all your life’s problems can be solved with a single session. Don’t get angry if it’s not helpful because, c’mon, it’s free advice from a puppet. What on earth would you expect?

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

We would love to hear from the brave individuals who went to this puppet lady. The encounter could have gone one of two ways: they were either weirded out by the experience, or she dished out the greatest advice they had ever heard. Our money’s on the first.

Head in the Clouds

Say you forgot your umbrella at home, don’t expect to borrow this person theirs as it’s clearly one-of-a-kind. He probably doesn’t use it on rainy days, or else it would get ruined, which would be such a shame because it’s so cool.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

There are a lot of arty people who live in New York, so it’s not surprising to see a creation like this. It is quite absurd, but this doesn’t even compare in the slightest to the kind of oddities people witness on the subway.

Here For You

New Yorkers aren’t known to be the friendliest, and this city can make you feel pretty lonely at times. Just when you think you have a friend reaching out to you, it turns out to be your Uber driver. How embarrassing.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

The recipient of the message can’t be blamed for this hilarious misunderstanding. The driver literally said, “I am here for you.” Who wouldn’t think it’s an old pal messaging them? Hopefully, they double-check next time to avoid an awkward situation.

Rat Man

Be careful when strolling through the streets late at night because there’s always a rat on the loose. We’re not talking about normal-sized ones scurrying through subways stealing pizza slices – this is a person wearing a rat costume. That’s actually more terrifying than the creatures themselves!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

If you have a phobia of rats, you better steer clear of this street. It’s bad enough that these rodents infest people’s apartments, restaurants, subways, and many other places. Now you have to see someone running around in this lame yet scary outfit.

Ballot Box Boy

Ballot Box Boy is doing the most to get everyone to vote, vote, vote. However, standing in the streets all day with a box on his head must be quite unpleasant. He probably can’t even see out of that thing with all of those letters in the way.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This guy was clearly dedicated to encouraging voters to exercise their rights. It would be nice to know that his efforts weren’t wasted. Although, it looks as if no one was paying any attention because so many out-of-the-ordinary things happen in this city on a daily basis.

Flower Flash

This oversized floral arrangement is like a burst of sunshine in this dreary neighborhood. Imagine looking out onto this beautiful site every day. We have to admit, it’s a spectacular way of turning trash into treasure. Many heads are turned by these makeshift vases and their beautiful displays.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Lewis Miller is responsible for these incredible floral creations. He is a New York-based floral designer and is the mastermind behind what he calls a “Flower Flash.” This is a type of street art made entirely of colorful blooms. New Yorkers can thank him for brightening their city with these exquisite designs.

Kool-Aid Man

With this next one, we’ll probably unlock a new fear for you: seeing Kool-Aid Man pop up somewhere. You wouldn’t think a glass pitcher with punch in it would be creepy until you saw the mascot peering at you from an open window.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Kool-Aid Man looks like he’s itching to smash through the wall. He’s known to do that in commercials when people yell for refreshments. After that, he says his famous catchphrase, “Oh Yeah!” Imagine seeing this thing on the street you’re walking on alone. Sounds more like, “Oh No!”

Brave Souls

New York winters are far beyond pleasant. On average, temperatures can drop below 20F [-8 C]. Sadly, people who deliver packages are forced to struggle through these arctic conditions. You would think that the businesses they work for could afford to send them in cars, but no, they would rather have them catch pneumonia.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

These brave souls are faced with the challenge of riding their bikes through the icy streets. As you can see, they can barely move through that thick blanket of snow. These guys go the extra mile to get everyone their packages, so be sure to tip them well during the winter months.

Sweet Revenge

It’s payback time! This person slipped in front of their building, and now they want revenge. They left a not-so-pleasant surprise for the building’s superintendent because they forgot to put salt on the sidewalk to minimize the risk of falling.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This message is a bit aggressive, and the eggs were clearly the cherry on top, but this person was understandably angry that the super was so careless. Hopefully, they’ll remember next time, so they don’t find more eggs waiting for them to slip on.

Blending In

Here we have a person walking around a park in a shrub costume for reasons we’ll never know. If their goal is to hide from someone, this outfit is not getting the job done. Maybe if they were amongst the greenery, then yes. Right now, though, they’re just drawing attention to themselves.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This leafy disguise would be great if you really had to leave the house but wanted to avoid a dramatic ex-girlfriend or a loan shark. On the other hand, some individuals will put this on just so they can be a nuisance to society.

Just Chilling

Say goodbye to the old ways of cruising around in a car or scooter. These cool dudes have discovered a new means of getting around the metropolis. All you need is a skateboard and lawn chair, and you’ll be sailing down the streets in no time!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

However, not everyone can be as fearless as these guys. Clearly, it’s their world, and we’re just living in it. It would be nice to be as carefree as them, though, especially the guy in the middle. He’s just chilling with a glass of vino in hand and a patch of grass underneath the chair.

All Clamped Up

Someone definitely got a raise for successfully clamping all of these cars. It appears that the whole block is either parked illegally or they have unpaid parking tickets. It’s usually embarrassing to see that you’re car has been booted, but at least they’re all in this together!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This is exactly why it’s not worth owning a car, especially in the city. Gas prices have gone through the roof anyway, so you might as well take a taxi or a bus. And, of course, there’s always the option to strap a lawn chair to a skateboard to get around!

You Buggin

Why have a normal license plate when you can pay extra for a personalized one? This “U Buggn” vanity plate is the perfect way to let the noisy reckless driver behind you know that they are being super irritating with their incessant hooting and awful driving skills.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

You can get anything put on your plates as long as it’s not considered offensive. It’s common for people to get their names displayed there, but that’s not such a good idea with the amount of road rage out there. You never know who might come after you for simply overtaking.

Time to Tan

You gotta keep the tan on no matter the weather. If people found a patch of grass with some sun during the winter months, you better believe they will lie there amongst the snow. Nobody wants to look as pale as Edward on Twilight!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Studies show that vitamin D levels drop drastically during winter time. So, when a bit of sunshine decides to finally make an appearance, jump at the chance and enjoy sunbathing. Preferably with a coat, or at least just a sweatshirt on.

The Resident Marsupial

This sign probably kept people from leaving the building because they were terrified of encountering a possum. These animals are usually docile and don’t pose a threat to anyone. The most they will do is hiss to act tough or play dead.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

These critters are mostly seen as unwanted pests, but they are actually helpful since they eat insects and pests such as rats, cockroaches, and even snakes. Some people even go so far as to keep them as pets, though it’s illegal.

Daredevil Duo

This canine looks really cool riding with its owner on a motorcycle, and it knows it. Look at it striking a pose for the camera with its stylish goggles on. Admittedly, it even looks cooler than we ever would on such a machine!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This man might get a couple of disapproving looks for bringing his dog with him on the motorcycle, but it is perfectly fine as long as the pup isn’t skittish and is secured on his back. This one looks like it’s in its element, tagging along for the ride. You gotta love NYC.

Dirty Denture

We never thought we’d ever have to say this, but washing machines are meant for cleaning garments, not teeth. This was probably forgotten in an item of clothing by mistake. However, we would still like to know why someone was sticking their false teeth in a pocket rather than their mouth.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This must mean there’s someone out there who’s not been able to flash their toothing grin or eat properly for a while. It would be awkward for them to go back and claim their teeth now, especially if they have to get it from whoever wrote this note.

Sleeping Beauty

Public transportation is known to be pet friendly. You can bring your furry friend with you on the bus or subway as long as they are in a bag. This dog isn’t, but he doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

We can’t help but focus on this sweet sleeping angel’s cute winter outfit. The pup is all kitted out in nice warm clothes, including a pair of dog boots! The rubber shoes almost look like deflated balloons on its paws.

Dandy Lion

There must be something in the water in this concrete jungle because we keep seeing strange costumes even though it’s not Halloween. Maybe this person is a performer in Times Square. That would make sense. However, there are individuals that would wear this casually.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

If their job is to take photos with tourists in Time Square, then they would earn a fortune, thanks to animal-loving kids who wouldn’t hesitate to pose with this elegant lion in a fancy suit. The only problem is this doesn’t look like Times Square, and there’s not a tourist in sight.

The Kind UPS Driver

For most people, kindness is something they are taught from a young age, so it comes naturally to them. This note might not seem like such a big deal to many, but a small act of kindness can mean the world to someone and brighten their day.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

The UPS driver could’ve just dropped off the parcel and left. Instead, they decided to wish the hardworking student the best in their exam. After such a stressful experience, it was probably nice for them to find a kind message. The bar exam is very difficult, so we hope they aced it.

Work of Art

Hmm, this is interesting. We didn’t expect to see pizza stuck to a wall in this list of strange things in New York. Oddly, someone decided to basically throw away a delicious pie instead of eating it. Maybe it was so tasty they wanted to share it with everyone.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Pizza is a work of art, so why not display it next to the graffiti? It’s just heartbreaking that good food is going to waste since it would be gross if someone tried to eat that. The rats will most likely get to it first, though.

Hole in the Wall

Many apartments in NYC are a complete ripoff, but this one takes the cake. This so-called living space is only five hundred dollars a month, but it’s not great. Just imagine waking up in the middle of the night to go pee or drink some water and running into one of these pipes!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Bed-stuy can be a nice place to live. It even made the list of coolest neighborhoods in 2020. However, this is definitely not a good example of how great it can be. If you come across a place like this, we suggest you run in the opposite direction (if you can afford to!)

Wanted Poster

The person who stole packages from this building is in big trouble. They were recorded by cameras, and a detailed sketch was drawn and posted, so he’ll be found in no time. The sketch artist should think about joining the police force with this kind of talent.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

All jokes aside, the poster could have been left blank, but then a prankster saw the opportunity to draw a funny picture. If they were serious, someone will be scoring free parcels for many months to come, and tenants will not be too happy.

Disturbing Notice

Well, the message on this poster took an unforeseen turn. All the residents of this building should just pack their bags and get out of there as soon as possible. It could be a joke, but you never know, so be safe out there, kids.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

The landlord isn’t doing a very good job if they are not aware of the issue at hand. How is it possible that all the apartments are keyed alike? However, this concerned tenant found the best way to get through to their neighbors since no one would ignore a statement (threat?) like that.

Nightmare on Sesame Street

“Big bird” is meant to be a loveable character for kids on Sesame Street, not a trigger for nightmares. Who thought there would come a day when the happy-go-lucky bird would sulk on the streets of New York? It makes us think the muppet has been kicked out of Sesame Street.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

We sure hope we didn’t ruin anyone’s fond memories of this character and the show. We know how precious childhood memories are, so we wouldn’t want to mess with them. It’s just upsetting to see “Big Bird” in this state since we doubt he’d do anything to deserve it.

Lunch Buddy

Passers-by got to witness the cutest thing on this particular day; a man eating lunch with his dog. Clearly, this doggo has been well trained, as it hasn’t tried to dive across the table to steal food off of its owner’s plate.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Who needs friends when you have a cute pup to take out to lunch? Restaurants don’t usually appreciate animals sitting on their chairs or even being on the premises, but it seems like this one is an exception. Quite a thing to witness.

Warning to the Package Thief

Yikes, don’t cross whoever typed out this note, or else they’ll turn violent. This is a bit aggressive for our taste, but we’ll allow it since it seems there are a lot of sneaky package thieves in New York City.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

We would really like to know how many packages have vanished to make this person so fed up. A word to the wise: don’t steal from them or anyone else unless you want to get seriously hurt. As they said in the note, you’ve been warned.

Easter Pups

Prepare for your hearts to melt with these precious puppies wearing bunny ears. There are weird and even creepy things that happen in the streets of NY, but this photoshoot is just plain adorable. The picture will definitely bring you pure joy.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

We think the doggy at the back is the main character in this pack. It’s so funny how it’s wearing the headband upside down. Can we admit that this photographer is a dog whisperer? Look how they’re sitting perfectly still for the camera.

Historic Tiny Home

You’ve got to love these quirky and expensive apartments in the city. This one in the East Village is being rented out for a whopping 2,390 dollars a month. If you’re thinking of joining in on the tiny home, down-sizing trend, this place is perfect.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Here’s a fun fact: In the 1900s, many New York apartments had a bath and sink in the kitchen in order to meet the legislative’s sanitary requirements. Present-day residents would prefer a larger kitchen area, but at least with this, you can multitask by cooking while in the bath!

Snowy Creation

In “Anna’s” words from Frozen, “Do you want to build a snowman?” But not a regular boring snowman with a carrot for a nose. We are talking about a super hip one. This creation looks amazing with the sprayed-on accessories.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Let your creative genius loose this winter by getting out in the cold and building a snowman. The freezing months shouldn’t only be enjoyed indoors. Take your hot chocolate outside and have some fun by making your very own snowman and turning him into your favorite icon!

Spooky Season

Halloween is considered to be the best holiday because of the free candy, which dentists score big time with. The chance to be whoever you want to be with a costume is also one of the best parts. Year after year, people always come through with incredible outfits.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

It would be a crime if this person didn’t win the best costume at their Halloween party. Though we couldn’t figure out the inspiration, the ensemble is still incredible. On the flip side, this could’ve also caused many jump scares on the subway because it looks so realistic.

Worst Neighbor Ever

This party animal should learn that fire escapes are for emergency exits only and not their own personal bathroom to use when they are feeling out of sorts. Their poor downstairs neighbor has to suffer every weekend with this nasty mess.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Why puke out of your window when there are proper facilities available to use? We doubt this note is going to stop this bad habit, but they should refrain from doing so. Maybe this tenant should consult with the person who wrote the note about kneecaps because that sure stopped the package thief!

Date Night

It’s good to see that romance isn’t dead after all. Ladies, get yourself a man who puts in time and effort to keep the spark alive. This scenario will bring a smile to a hopeless romantic’s face. It’s not The Notebook, but it’s good enough.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

He may have had good intentions, but he didn’t realize that this wasn’t the best place to eat a meal. The fact that it’s completely isolated should be a warning sign, especially if it’s a first date. Also, everyone knows how polluted that water is. We just hope it doesn’t smell like rotten fish. Yuck!

Ski Time

Many people flock to the slopes during the winter months. When the snow is out, skis are out. This lady here has the equipment, but she’s just shuffling along a road with brown slush on it. It just makes us sad for her because we all know how expensive skiing equipment can be.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

The whole leopard get-up, including the strange way of skiing, is indicative of her eccentric personality. She probably really wanted to go skiing but couldn’t afford a ticket to Aspen, so she decided to make do with what she had.

Bathtub Bizarre

These apartments are way too overpriced; it’s ridiculous. Would you be willing to pay 2,400 dollars a month for this Soho apartment with a tub in the kitchen? However, we must admit that this one is more generous with the square footage.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This kitchen/bathroom is very spacious. At least the tub is not smack-dab in the middle of the room, so there’s more privacy. The only negative thing about this space is the step leading to the bath. That’s a safety hazard, especially if you’re a klutz.

Spin Class

Outdoor spin class, anyone? This is a clever spin-off of SoulCycle with stationary Citi Bikes. SoulCycle may feel like it’s so LA, but you’d be surprised to know that it was actually founded in Manhattan. The first class was held in 2006 on the Upper West Side.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

It’s overwhelming to cycle on a busy road even though there are proper bike lanes available. Join one of these classes today if you’re intimidated by the overcrowded streets or don’t know how to ride a bike. They’re also a great form of exercise.

New York, New York

“I want to be a part of it, New York, New York.” The people driving behind this car probably burst into song every time they see this license plate. We wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what the owner of the vehicle wanted.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

We can tell that person driving the car is proud to be a true New Yorker. They could have personalized their license plate with a funny catchphrase, but they wanted to make sure that others knew where they were from. Or maybe they just love Ol’ Blue Eyes.

Cool Doggles

This person is scootering around the city with their giant fur baby on their back. If you want to get around places with your dog without having to walk them, this backpack is just the thing you need. It’s great for road cruising with your pup.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Remember, safety comes first when traveling with your canine. The goggles, or doggles, not only look super fashionable, but they also help protect your pup’s eyes from the debris and sun. The only thing that’s missing for the outfit to be complete is a swanky helmet.

The Apartment Version of Do Not Disturb

Nobody enjoys having guests over, and unexpected drop-ins are the worst. If you taped up an honest message like this, you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone disturbing your peace. A doormat with such a message would be a bestseller.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

It’s always an anxiety-filled experience when you hear that rat-a-tat sound at your door, especially when you don’t want to see anyone. This person was probably feeling down in the dumps and wanted to be left alone, which is relatable. At least their note wasn’t rude, so we hope people respected their request.

Teeny-Tiny Bathroom

Finally, there’s an apartment that has a bathroom separate from the kitchen. This one is pretty decent, although it is a bit cramped. If you’re not very tall, we suggest continuing your search for apartments because it seems like it will be challenging to use the sink.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

For 2,000 dollars a month, the rest of the place better be more spacious. It would be nice to find out if the rest of Williamsburg is this expensive or if this is just a scam. How can this teeny-tiny space cost so much?

Mr. Snowman

C-3PO, is that you? This snow sculpture almost resembles the droid from Star Wars, except it’s creepier. Imagine how scary it would be to see this snowy creation sitting there in the dead of night with those glowing blue eyes.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

It’s such a shame that snow sculptures don’t last very long. However, people probably wouldn’t be too sad to see this one melt. Though it’s remarkable, it definitely sends a shiver down the spine every time you walk past it.

Shoot Your Shot

Wow, this girl moves fast. In the note, she wrote that her prospective date asked her out last Saturday. The guy must have been super attractive because she went as far as printing a poster to look for him! He’d better be worth it!

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

The “don’t ask me out again” message at the bottom was most likely written by her bitter ex-boyfriend. It appears that she dumped her partner in favor of this cute athlete. Poor guy. It would be interesting to know if things worked out between them.

OMW Chill

This Range Rover’s license plate says “OMWCHILL.” It can either mean oh my word, chill or on my way, chill. Which do you think fits best? Since it’s on a vehicle, we think the latter makes the most sense. Other drivers can act impatient, so the oh my word, chill one could also be valid.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

Most people know what acronyms stand for, but there are a few who are always left confused. This is quite funny. Pity some people won’t get it. There have been numerous random words put on vanity plates, but this one is actually good.

Roomy Kitchen

Believe it or not, this kitchen is considered to be quite roomy by most New Yorkers. Check out all the available cupboard space, and there are even two small stove plates by the sink. There’s no place for an oven, but you can make do without it.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

There isn’t much room to make a meal in this kitchen, but cooking is overrated anyway. If you have any cash left over after paying rent, you can either eat out all the time, which most people do anyway, or survive on pre-cooked meals.


It’s surprising that the DMV let this inappropriate license plate slide. They are known to be very strict and have denied many applications for being too improper. Nothing gets by them, so maybe this doesn’t mean what we think it does.

Image courtesy of whatisinnewyork/Instagram

This vanity plate says “YAMUTHA” which could mean ‘your mother,’ and is often used in a derogatory way. The word mutha is taboo and is short for a swear word that we will not be mentioning. We wonder how they convinced the DMV to approve this.